While it’s more common to develop dry skin with age due to moisture loss and reduced oil production, some women find that their skin gets greasier over time. In this article, we’ll discuss oily skin at 50: causes and solutions to help you restore your skin’s balance and overall health. 

Several factors contribute to excess oil production after 50, such as a change in hormone levels, climate, or poor skin care habits. However, you should know that there are steps you can take to control oily skin at this time in your life. Continue reading to learn how to maintain a healthy complexion.

Why is My Skin Getting Oilier as I Age?

Oil production in the skin has benefits, such as hydrating the complexion and protecting it from harmful environmental agents. However, excess oil can clog the pores, causing acne breakouts. There are several potential causes of oily skin over 50, which we will outline in this section. 

Cause #1 - Medication

As you age, you may add more medications to your daily regimen, and overproduction of oil may be a potential side effect of some of them. In particular, drugs that stimulate changes in hormone levels, like birth control or hormone replacement, could have this effect.

Cause #2 - Hormonal Changes

Speaking of hormonal changes, many women enter menopause in their early 50s, and the falling levels of estrogen can negatively impact their complexion. In some women, this causes the skin to dry out, which may lead to excess oil to compensate. In addition, the low estrogen combined with unchanged testosterone levels can lead to the overproduction of oil in the sebaceous glands.

Cause #3 - Use of Skincare Products

The quality of the cosmetics and skin care products you use can make a difference in the oiliness of your complexion. Many makeup products like foundation are oil-based, exacerbating the problem, and some low-quality skincare formulas may lead to the overproduction of sebum. Stick to oil-free cosmetics, and choose high-level skincare brands which hydrate and balance skin oil release.


Cause #4 - Weather

While skin tends to become dry in the colder months, the summer heat impacts humidity levels differently and could lead to the sudden onset of oily skin and hair. Thus, if you are already experiencing excess oil production after 50, this could exacerbate the issue. For this reason, it’s important to use high-quality skin care which controls oil production.

Cause #5 - Environmental Factors

Not only can the heat and humidity of the sun lead to excess oil production, but the damage caused by UV rays also adds to this problem. Many people are concerned that using sunscreen will make the skin greasier, but without a doubt, the protection it provides reduces overall oil production. Dermaxsol, a daily facial moisturizer with SPF30, can protect your skin from the sun's harmful UVA rays.

In addition, other environmental elements like pollution and dust can clog the pores, leading to excess oil and possible acne breakouts. 

Cause #6 - Over Washing

While it’s necessary to cleanse your complexion once or twice daily as part of your regular skincare routine, overwashing may eliminate essential oils and dry out the skin, leading to the overproduction of sebum to compensate. Particularly over 50, when your skin is subject to excess oiliness, it’s important not to overdo your facial cleansing.

How to Manage Oily Skin in Your 50s

If your skin has become oilier with age, you should also be aware that several lifestyle, medical, and skin care solutions can significantly address this issue. Here are some tips for healthy skin free of excess oil after 50:

Step #1 - Moisturize

To keep oily skin at bay after 50, choose a richly hydrating, oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer to use twice daily. This should prevent the dryness common with age, which can cause the overproduction of oil from the sebaceous glands. 

Make sure you choose a product free of ingredients that can exacerbate dryness for optimal benefits. Infusoderm is a deeply hydrating moisturizer that revitalizes the complexion, brightens, nourishes, and helps to prevent oily skin.

Step #2 - Use a Gentle Cleanser

When you choose a cleanser, make sure it’s gentle, all-natural, and free of parabens and harmful additives. Cleanse lightly no more than twice a day, and avoid harsh rubbing or scrubbing, which could strip the skin of oils and cause overproduction. In addition, consider some dos and don'ts for oily skin when formulating your routine.

Dermpura is an optimal cleanser that removes dirt and oils from the pores, soothes the complexion, repairs damage, and firms for anti-aging benefits like smoothing wrinkles and fine lines.

Step #3 - Exfoliate

Exfoliating is essential in your skincare regimen, especially when you are over 50 and oily skin is a concern. Exfoliate 2-3 times a week, and no more, as over-exfoliation can strip oils from your skin and make the problem worse. 

As we age, the outer layer of our skin can become thicker with added dead skin cells and dryness, which must be removed to unclog pores and reveal healthy skin underneath. In addition to regular exfoliation, make sure you drink plenty of water to keep the healthy skin hydrated and prevent excess oil production.

For a rich, powerful, gentle exfoliant, add Glowpeel to your skincare routine. This non-irritating formula will remove impurities from your complexion for a healthy, glowing, oily-free appearance.

Step #4 - Maintain a Healthy Diet

Following a healthy diet is essential for preventing oiliness and keeping your complexion in good condition. Foods high in sugar, oil, refined carbohydrates, or even dairy products may lead to excess oil in the skin and clogged pores. 

Include plenty of hydrating fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants in your diet, like cucumbers, citrus fruits, watermelon, berries, and broccoli. Green vegetables, in particular, could help regulate oil production. 

In addition, eat nuts high in healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids like walnuts and pumpkin seeds. Other healthy foods you should consume include beans, whole grains, oatmeal, and fish. As much as possible, replace the dairy with healthy items like coconut and almond milk.


Step #5 - Wear a Sunscreen

Whether you have oily skin or not, you should strive to protect your complexion from damaging UV rays and other environmental threats. This is even truer if you struggle with a greasy complexion, as the sun’s rays can dry out the skin and sometimes leads to excess oil production. 

For optimal skin protection and restoration, Photoaging Defense System includes 4 powerful products which offer SPF protection, repair, and anti-aging benefits.

Step #6 - Follow a Proper Skincare Routine

While following a healthy skincare routine is important throughout your life, it is especially crucial after 50 when you experience oiliness and other concerns. Choose gentle products which do not clog the pores, and be sure not to overdo it with any skincare you use. 

Twice daily, cleanse tone, use a rich moisturizer and an anti-aging product, and finish with an SPF sunscreen during the day. At night, swap your moisturizer with a rich night cream to boost hydration while you sleep. Twice a week, exfoliate gently with a rich organic formula to remove excess dead skin cells and dirt, preventing clogged pores and excess oil production. 

Step #7 - Consult Your Doctor 

If you’ve tried all of these suggestions and still have oily skin, there are medical and clinical procedures you can try which may have a significant impact. Make an appointment with a dermatologist to discuss your options. They may prescribe products that are more powerful than those you can purchase. 

In addition, your doctor may suggest procedures like chemical peels or laser therapy, which can remove the dead skin cells in the outer layer, decrease oiliness, and rejuvenate overall skin health.


Question #1 - How can I improve my skin at 50?

Following a healthy, antioxidant-rich diet can also improve the health of your complexion, even offering anti-aging benefits. Your skincare after 50 should be more diligent, including deeply hydrating products, a gentle cleanser and toner, regular exfoliation, and a strong sunscreen that you apply daily.

Question #2 - Does menopause cause oily skin?

Yes, declining estrogen levels during menopause dry out the skin, which can cause the overproduction of sebum. In addition, it speeds up the loss of collagen and elastin, leading to sagging skin and larger pores. This causes excess oil production and can make it more likely that the pores will become clogged for possible breakouts.

Key Takeaways

Oily skin can become an issue for some women after 50 for several reasons, such as shifts in hormone levels and environmental factors like pollution and UV rays. However, lifestyle, medical, and skin care methods can bring your skin back into perfect balance.

Our high-quality collection of skin care products helps hydrate the skin, decrease oil production, prevent breakouts, eliminate signs of age like wrinkles and lines, and promote optimal skin health. 

Melissa Feldman

Melissa Feldman

Melissa Feldman lives in Toronto, Canada and works as an independent research writer. She has undergraduate degrees in both Teaching and Psychology, and a Master’s degree in Immigration. Melissa is skilled at writing compelling articles and producing academic, marketing, and creative content. She writes about a range of lifestyle topics, including health, fitness, beauty and nutrition. She has more than two decades of experience reviewing and editing publications intended for both public and professional audiences.

Written by Melissa Feldman

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